Custom message campaigns can be used to let customers/residents know about something like a promotion being offered, a temporary change in business hours or an update about a residential property. Creativity is the only limit here..
To create a custom message campaign go to the Campaign button on the Opiniion dashboard and in the upper right click on “ADD CAMPAIGN”. First, name the campaign and then select which location to send this campaign to. Note, if there is only one location associated with the account it will be selected. If the account has more than one location a separate campaign will need to be build for each. Then select “Custom Message”. Next choose when this campaign will be sent - immediately upon completion of creating the campaign, scheduled for a future date, recurring periodically over a given time or automated as customers are loaded into the Customer List.
On the next screen are filter options, which will help to target or exclude a certain audience. The first drop down is any previous ratings left by a customer/resident. No ratings is also available in this drop down. The next two drop-downs are to include, or exclude, customers with certain tags. If the "No Tags" option is selected in either of these fields the campaign will most likely not send to anyone since most customers should at-least have the "Default" tag. The VIEW FILTERED CUSTOMERS/RESIDENTS button will show the targeted audience.
Now compose the message that will accompany the requests. If sending email and SMS text both messages may need to be composed. On this screen is also an option to send a test email/SMS to see what the audience will be receiving.
Finally review everything on the confirmation page. If it all looks correct click the flashing “START CAMPAIGN” button in the lower right. To edit anything click the “GO BACK” in the lower left.
Review Request Campaign
To create a review request campaign go to the Campaign button on the Opiniion dashboard and in the upper right click on “ADD CAMPAIGN”. First, name the campaign and then select which location to send this campaign to. Note, if there is only one location associated with the account it will be selected. If the account has more than one location a separate campaign will need to be build for each. Then select “Review Request” and either leave the email and SMS selected, or deselect the delivery method which will not be used. Next choose when this campaign will be sent - immediately upon completion of creating the campaign, scheduled for a future date, recurring periodically over a given time or automated as customers are loaded into the Customer List.
On the next screen are filter options, which will help to target or exclude a certain audience. The first drop down is any previous ratings left by a customer/resident. No ratings is also available in this drop down. The next two drop-downs are to include, or exclude, customers with certain tags. If the "No Tags" option is selected in either of these fields the campaign will most likely not send to anyone since most customers should at-least have the "Default" tag. The VIEW FILTERED CUSTOMERS/RESIDENTS button will show the targeted audience.
Now compose the message that will accompany the requests. Opiniion pre-populates a default message for users, and this message can be used or change it up to suit specific needs. If sending email and SMS text both messages may need to be viewed and edited. On this screen is also an option to send a test email/SMS to see what the audience will be receiving.
On the next screen decide where all of those positive reviews are going. Reviews can be split up over any social media platform already associated with the location in the CRM. “MAKE OPINIION FEEDBACK” is also an option to receive internal feedback only.
Finally review everything on the confirmation page. If it all looks correct click the flashing “START CAMPAIGN” button in the lower right. To edit anything click the “GO BACK” in the lower left.